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Feature Book:
Full Gospel, Fractured Minds?
by Rick M. Nanez
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Discipleship through Bible Study
One of the burdens of The Ezra Project and the reason it was launched from the beginning was to have a platform from which to promulgate apostolic Christian teaching among the churches. It was inspired by the statement made in the book of Ezra regarding Ezra’s role as a scribe of the Lord:
“For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel”
(Ezra 7:10)
This statement summarizes both Ezra’s personal relationship to God’s Word written as well as his appointment to teach God’s statutes in Israel.
What exactly is meant by ‘apostolic’ teaching? [ read more ]
Ideal for either small group or individual Bible studies, the teaching ministry of Neil Silverberg has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for resources for Christian Education or deepening your understanding of the Old Testament from a Hebraic perspective, The Ezra Project has it all!
The Ezra Project is a non-profit, non-denominational ministry designed to assist local churches to effectively equip God's people through the study of scripture, with a special focus on apostolic christian teaching.


Partner Program
The Ezra Project is excited to offer a brand new way to support the teaching ministry of Neil Silverberg.
The Partner Program offers subscriptions for the Message of the Month which offers previously unreleased messages on CD or access to mp3 downloads of the teachings directly from our website.
More info

Neil has been working on a book that should be available for release this
Spring entitled, "For Truth's Sake; Restoring a Passion for Truth to the
People of God." Read the Introductory Chapter
