Help Support The Ezra Project

The Ezra Project is a 501cs non-profit corporation which means that all of your donations are tax exempt. The purchase of any materials on this site is tax exempt as well.

The Ezra Project is committed to providing exceptional biblical teaching regardless of a customer’s ability to pay. If you cannot meet the suggested offering, we will gladly accept whatever you can afford. Please order products for less then the suggested donation price by phoning us at 1-800-325-9136.

Neil's deepest desire is to be able to take God's Word without any charge to those who will benefit from it. His ministry continues to bless many people throughout the worldwide body of Christ. Our prayer is that you would consider Neil's ministry worthy of support so that he can continue to minister wherever the Lord sends him.

Mail check or money order to:

The Ezra Project
c/o Neil Silverberg
318 SE 4th Terrace
Cape Coral, FL 33990

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